The Better
Way To Home
Transforming the home furnishings industry through education, tools, and knowledge-sharing.
What Is Sustainability?
For SFC, sustainability in home furnishings specifically refers to the design, production, sale, and use of furniture to minimize negative environmental, health, and social impacts.
Carbon Best Practices
Health Best Practices
Social Best Practices
Waste Best Practices
Water Best Practices
Circularity Best Practices
Our Goals For The Home Furnishings Industry
By 2030, the home furnishings industry will demonstrate a significant and measurable reduction in the use of carbon, water, waste, and harmful chemical inputs and show a sizable increase in circularity practices.
Donate Now To Help Transform The Home Furnishings Industry
Your donation funds advocacy and education for sustainable practices and empowers consumers with vital information on furnishings' impact on health.
Sustainable Stories
Promoting awareness, engagement, and positive action toward a more sustainable and equitable world.